The University of Chicago’s Institute on the Formation of Knowledge (IFK) is excited to announce The Summit on AI in Society on October 13-15, 2022. We will have outstanding scholars from computer science, economics, history, philosophy, and other fields. As AI continues to grow in its power and application, we plan to discuss the potential and limitations of AI knowledge, its origins and end-games, methods to ensure trustworthiness and understanding, and ensemble approaches for collective intelligence and knowledge production.

OCTOBER 13, 4:00-5:30 PM
Ted Chiang is a science fiction writer and a recipient of numerous Nebula, Hugo, and other awards for "Story of Your Life" (basis of the film Arrival), "The Lifecycle of Software Objects," "Omphalos," and other short stories that explore themes of intelligence, culture, religion, and existence. The keynote presentation will be followed by a fireside chat in discussion with James Evans, Max Palevsky Professor of Sociology at the University of Chicago and external professor at the Fe Institute.

Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation
The mission of IMSI is to apply rigorous mathematics and statistics to urgent, complex scientific and societal problems, and to spur transformational change in the mathematical sciences and the mathematical sciences community.
The Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation (IMSI) is a mathematical sciences research institute funded by the National Science Foundation. It is managed by the University of Chicago, Northwestern University, the University of Illinois at Chicago, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and is hosted at the University of Chicago.
To find out more, please explore our mission, NSF support, research themes, and activities.
Institute on the Formation
of Knowledge
Our mission is to unite scholars from many different fields to study the process of knowledge formation and transmittal from antiquity to the present day and, in correlation, to explore how this history shapes our modern world. The Institute functions as a research laboratory and incubator for University of Chicago faculty and visiting scholars, and offers support for affiliated PhD students and post-doctoral scholars.
Sentience Institute
Sentience Institute is a nonprofit, interdisciplinary think tank researching long-term social and technological change, particularly moral circle expansion. We are founded on the principle of effective altruism, meaning we strive to help others as much as possible using the best evidence available.
Knowledge Lab
The explosion of digital information offers an unprecedented opportunity to study the dynamics that shape human understanding, investigation and certainty.
Our researchers are developing new Big Data, machine learning and crowd-sourcing approaches and techniques to efficiently harvest and share knowledge and judgment from experts, people, articles, preprints, software, patient records, artifacts, videos and sensors; learn how knowledge is made, used, certified and forgotten; represent, recombine and generate knowledge in powerful ways; and Improve knowledge generation, representation, management and innovation practices everywhere.
Conference venue generously provided by the Stevanovich Center for Financial Mathematics
and the Financial Mathematics Program

Stevanovich Center for Financial Mathematics
The Stevanovich Center for Financial Mathematics seeks to advance the understanding of the increasingly complex world of financial markets by integrating mathematics, statistics, econometrics, economics and finance. Our main focus is quantitative finance, ranging from mathematical finance – via financial econometrics – to asset pricing.
The Center brings together leading academic researchers and financial professionals whose insights from daily experience in the markets help translate theory into improved practice. If you’d like to get involved with the Center, please contact